Family Spokesperson for missing person Lilly Aramburo
Site http://justiceinmiami.
Social Media Strategist at Subliminal Pixels Lab
Site http://www.subliminalpixels.
Archive | radio
Listen to EL SHOW DE ENRIQUE Y JOE for Latest Update on the Lilly Aramburo Case!
Read more about the insanely popular morning show, El Show de Enrique y Joe.
Help for Missing Person Cases Ignored by Media
Can you feel the buzz of excitement in the air? (No, I’m not referring to the possibility of Barack Obama taking the White House in November!)
All the elements in the universe are coming together perfectly to create a meaningful resource and advocacy for victims, their families and lovers of truth and justice everywhere…in the form of Justice Interrupted Crime Radio Network. A threesome made up of Susan Murphy-Milano, Stacy Dittrich, and Robin Sax. These women offer insight in the criminal justice and victims advocacy field.
Be sure to mark your calenders for the premiere show coming to you live – Tuesday, September 2, 2008. The show will highlight the Case of Rachel Conger, (pictured above) a mother who vanished March of 2008. Rachel was trying to leave her abusive husband. He abducted her March 13, 2008. His body was found 3 days later with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The case of missing Miami mother, my friend, Lilly Aramburo, (pictured with her baby) will also be discussed. Along with the wife of a Law Enforcement Officer who lives in constant fear for her life. She will share her story and safety concerns.
Radio Show Premiere
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Time: 7 PM /PST 9 PM /CST 10 PM/EST
Call -In Number to the Show: 914-338-0663
Radio Show Link- http://www.blogtalkradio.com/justiceinterrupted
I made a HUGE mistake about Justice Interrupted and Susan Murphy-Milano. I would not recommend anyone needing help to go to them. I learned a very valuable lesson for trusting Susan Murphy-Milano, the hard way. Please see the following post for more info: Sincerest Apology to Christen Pacheco
Susan Murphy Milano goes on the radio to discuss Lilly’s case!
Susan Murphy Milano will be on the radio tonight and it sounds like she’ll be bringing up our Lilly!
The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Listen LIVE Wednesday Night at 9PM Eastern – Guests Include Susan Murphy Milano, Author and Domestic Violence Expert…