Archive | National Missing Children Day

Mayor’s Take 25 Children’s Safety Event in South Florida

South Florida friends, I have great news to report. Well, actually it’s an event I’m very excited for.. I’m happy to announce that Miami Mayor Carlos Alvarez is hosting a Take 25 Children’s Safety event for National Missing Children’s Day! Check out the details below and if you’re in Miami on May 20th, please swing by and show your support. I’ll be there with my children and I hope to meet you and yours!

What: Mayor’s Take 25 Children’s Safety Event
When: 5/20/2009 2:00:00 PM – 5:00:00 PM
Where: Mas Canosa Center, 250 SW 114 Avenue
Sweetwater, FL 33174
Get directions

Details: This event will provide daycare children and afterschool program children with safety demonstrations, hands on interaction with police and fire personnel to discuss the importance of children’s safety, and an educational puppet show that will emphasis child safety tips. In addition, Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Alvarez will hold a press conference to heighten awareness about children’s safety issues, with a focus on prevention and encouraging parents, guardians, and other trusted-adult role models to spend time talking to kids and teaching them ways to be safer.

For more information contact: Suzanne Salichs at (305) 375-1216.

Parents, don’t miss this excellent opportunity to teach your children about safety!

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Missing Children and Take 25 Campaign

May 25th is National Missing Children’s Day . Events are being scheduled across the country to raise awareness about the importance of safety and as a reminder of our nation’s missing children . The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children’s Take 25 Campaign asks parents to take 25 minutes of their day to talk to your kids about safety.

National Missing Children’s Day is around the corner. It’s a perfect opportunity for law enforcement, public servants, advocates and volunteers to give back to the community. We all know violent crime (kidnappings, sexual assault, car jacking, murder) are a daily occurrence. Every day thousands of children are reported missing. Many are never found. Many of the kidnappings/abductions end tragically in rape, assault and death.

I’m pleased to announce that we will be hosting one of these events for the 2nd year anniversary of Lilly Aramburo’s disappearance, to coincide with National Missing Children’s Day in South Florida. Lilly went missing June 1, 2007 from Miami, FL. She is still missing. More about Lilly Aramburo.

More information about the upcoming safety awareness event coming soon. If you’d like to help out with the organizing/promoting of this event, please contact me or leave a comment on this post (or any post). If you’re a family member of a missing person and would like your loved one featured on our missing persons wall, please contact me or leave a comment. We’d like to partner up with local residents who care about the safety of our children and loved ones, as well as any like-minded organizations. Together we can make a difference.

If you’d like to connect with me on Twitter my feed is here. Please share this blog to help raise awareness about Lilly and other missing loved ones. Don’t forget to Subscribe to the Justice in Miami feed to ensure you don’t miss any news or updates.

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