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Missing Persons and Nonprofit Organizations on Twitter

Do you tweet? I began using Twitter right around the time my good friend Lily Aramburo disappeared, over two years ago. I knew I had to do something. As a Social Media Strategist, I used my know-how to start a blog, created a MySpace for Lily and Facebook Cause, and turned to Twitter to create awareness and to try to get media attention for Lily. I update my network daily, sharing news, Amber Alerts and all types of information related to missing person cases, not just Lily’s case. My content comes from all over the web. My twitter handle is @yogini

Social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace can be very effective in the search for missing children and adults. But Twitter is not a broadcast-only medium. It is a community. Sharing, retweeting and commenting is very important.

Help support the families of those missing one tweet at a time. One Follow or Retweet may help bring a missing person home!

Here’s a list of missing persons and support organizations for families of the missing that tweet:


You’re invited to join the Twitter group for Amber Alerts and news related to Missing Persons. All you have to do is post an update about a missing person and add the tag #missingpeople to your Tweet.

If you’re using Twitter to raise awareness for a missing person or if you Tweet for a nonprofit organization supporting missing persons; please leave a comment with your Twitter handle.

You have the power to get people involved and ultimately generate new leads and public interest for a missing loved one.

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Emillie Hoyt Vanished From Highland Beach, FL

Emillie Hoyt is MISSING. She vanished without a trace January 2006. She may have traveled to Fort Lauderdale from Highland Beach, FL.

Alias: Emmy
Date of Birth: Oct. 7, 1982
Missing Since: Jan 2006
Missing City: Highland Beach
Missing State: Florida
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: White
Height: 5ft 6in
Weight: 110 lbs (aprox)
Hair Color: Light brown
Hair (other): May be dyed blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Complexion: Fair

Please to take a good look at her picture and go to the Flickr Missing Persons Group to see more pictures of Emillie. Her family needs to know the truth. No one vanishes into thin air. Someone out there has to know something. Please do the right thing and come forward if you know anything about Emillie Hoyt’s disappearance. Contact Det. Bob Devito at 561-266-5800.

You can help find Emillie by joining her Facebook Group and adding as a friend on myspace. If you use Twitter, you can follow @emilliesbrother. As you could imagine, they are desperate to find Emillie. The holidays are especially difficult for families dealing with the loss of a missing loved one. Please don’t forget about them. All missing persons deserve to be found.


Social Networking Groups for Missing Persons

Come join me in social media networking sites and help raise awareness for the missing. I began my advocacy efforts for Lilly last year. Since then, I have created some groups and would be honored if you joined me. Social media can be very helpful. Join in the conversation and you’ll see.

My absolute favorite social networking tool is Twitter. Twitter is a real-time tool for “micro-blogging” or posting very short updates, comments or thoughts. It is very popular and a very good idea for those with a missing family member or friend. You can reach a wide audience if you use it wisely. If you’re already using Twitter, be sure to follow me @yogini.

If you’re on Myspace, please add Lilly as a friend. You can help by making her one of your top friends and posting info and links about her on your profile.

Join the Find Lilly Cause on Myspace! And please, don’t forget to invite all your friends.

I created this Missing Persons Room on Friendfeed. Please join and start submitting news articles about missing people. It’s a really cool news agrregator. You’re going to love it.

Please join the Help Find Lilly Facebook Group

There’s also a Find Lilly Facebook Cause

Missing Persons Group on Care2. I’ve liked this network for a very long time. Great for activists.

Another blog with information and links about Lilly, missing persons, domestic violence and a wealth of resources.

This is a great community on Mixx. You can submit articles about missing people.

This is my Missing Persons US Group on Flikr. It is public and free to join. You’re encouraged to post pictures and flyers or posters of missing people.

I hope you join me in reaching out to others. You can make a difference!

Forever grateful to your support!


Join me on myspace & other social networks

Hi, I’ve created a group on facebook for Lilly. Please join if you’re on facebook

And on myspace

I created a Missing Persons Room on Friendfeed. Please join if you’re interested in keeping up with and submitting news.

I created a group on Flickr to submit photographs of missing people in the US.

And a group on Care2, I really love

This is a community on Mixx.xom to submit articles about missing people.

If anyone would like to help find Lilly, please contact me!

Janet Forte
Spokesperson for Lilly Aramburo
Chat: Google Talk: janet.forte
Contact Me: LinkedinFacebookFlickrTwitterMySpaceStumbleUponBloggerDiggMyBlogLogFriendfeed