Archive | Justice Interrupted

Prayers for Missing Mother Lilly Aramburo

True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice. Martin Luther King, Jr

I spent the day yesterday with my favorite boy in the world…Lilly Aramburo’s 2 year old son, Palden:-) Lilly’s mother, Lucely, invited me over to their new place, along with a few of Lilly’s old friends from school. I had a lovely time. It was amazing to see how much her little boy has learned to talk. He took me by the hand and showed me his room and all his toys. He walked me over to a chest, lifted the top and showed me what was inside…Lilly’s boots and shoes…and he said “gone…gone”. He broke my heart in two. Although, he was a baby when he last saw his mother, Lilly, (it seems to me) her memory is still very much alive in his mind.

The following prayer is dedicated to Lilly and all missing loved ones. May they be in peace, free from all harm and suffering. May they be found and may justice prevail.

Prayer to Find What Is Lost
St. Anthony, when you prayed, your stolen book of prayers was given back to you. Pray now for all of us who have lost things precious and dear. Pray for all who have lost faith, hope or the friendship of God. Pray for us who have lost friends or relatives by death. Pray for all who have lost peace of mind or spirit. Pray that we may be given new hope, new faith, new love. Pray that lost things, needful and helpful to us, may be returned to our keeping. Or, if we must continue in our loss, pray that we may be given Christ’s comfort and peace.



Update on Lilly Aramburo’s Case

If you’re following Lilly’s case and would like to know the latest update, listen to the Justice Interrupted Radio Show tonight. The show begins shortly.

Time: 7 PM /PST 9 PM /CST 10 PM/EST
Call-In Number to the Show: 914-338-0663
Radio Show Link-

UPDATE 12/20/08
WARNING: Be careful with Susan Murphy-Milano. Check out the post Sincerest Apology to Christen


Free Online Resources for Finding Missing Persons Using Social Media

I thought I’d give you (my regular readers) the heads up, I have a guest post on the Subliminal Pixels BlogFree Online Resources For Finding Missing Persons Using Social Media

I’ve had so much to share with you these past few days and week but haven’t had much time to post. I’m working on a few projects and awareness campaigns.cements:

  • Justice Interrupted Show featuring Lilly Aramburo’s case has been scheduled for Tuesday, Sept 9, 2008 at 10:10 PM Central Standard Time or 11:10 Eastern Standard Time (whatever your time zone) Please call in with your questions. I hope you are able to listen. I’ll be updating you all with the most current info about her case.

  • We have created a new Lilly Aramburo Milk Carton. I urge all families with a missing loved one to use this free service. My Milk Carton is a free resource that allows you to create a milk carton for your missing loved one. It’s very easy to use, all you need to do is register for your free account, submit the information and pictures about the missing person in the form provided and you’re all set. The pictures must be smaller than 2MB in size to upload. It takes between 24-48 hours. Using a milk carton to aid in your search is a playful and catchy way to get serious attention and have your missing person noticed.
  • I’ve saved the best for last. Next week, the Miami New Times is publishing an article about Lilly!!! That’s right, an article on the front page of our independent newspaper, Miami New Times! I’m sure it will help her case in many ways. Finally, Miami residents will get to know her story. I think it will be published next Wednesday night or Thursday morning, I’ll keep you posted. I’m rejoicing!! Thanks, Frank and Miami New Times!! Love you guys=)

Don’t forget to let me know what your thoughts are my latest post! Free Online Resources for Finding Missing Persons Using Social Media


Help for Missing Person Cases Ignored by Media

Can you feel the buzz of excitement in the air? (No, I’m not referring to the possibility of Barack Obama taking the White House in November!)
All the elements in the universe are coming together perfectly to create a meaningful resource and advocacy for victims, their families and lovers of truth and justice everywhere…in the form of Justice Interrupted Crime Radio Network. A threesome made up of Susan Murphy-Milano, Stacy Dittrich, and Robin Sax. These women offer insight in the criminal justice and victims advocacy field.

Be sure to mark your calenders for the premiere show coming to you live – Tuesday, September 2, 2008. The show will highlight the Case of Rachel Conger, (pictured above) a mother who vanished March of 2008. Rachel was trying to leave her abusive husband. He abducted her March 13, 2008. His body was found 3 days later with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The case of missing Miami mother, my friend, Lilly Aramburo, (pictured with her baby) will also be discussed. Along with the wife of a Law Enforcement Officer who lives in constant fear for her life. She will share her story and safety concerns.

Radio Show Premiere
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Time: 7 PM /PST 9 PM /CST 10 PM/EST
Call -In Number to the Show: 914-338-0663

Radio Show Link-

I made a HUGE mistake about Justice Interrupted and Susan Murphy-Milano. I would not recommend anyone needing help to go to them. I learned a very valuable lesson for trusting Susan Murphy-Milano, the hard way. Please see the following post for more info: Sincerest Apology to Christen Pacheco


The Birth of Justice Interrupted Crime Investigation Radio Network

I have some exciting news to share with you. Published Author and Victims Advocate, Susan Murphy Milano, Stacy Dittrich, a law enforcement officer and Robin Sax, a sex-crimes D.A – joined forces to create the Justice Interrupted Crime Investigation Network. The focus of their alliance is to provide justice to victims of unsolved murders, rape, abducted children, family violence, missing person cases, domestic violence, cold cases and crimes against children. All three women have worked tirelessly for victims. I trust they will bring much needed attention to many important cases that have been ignored by traditional media and remained unsolved.

Personally, I am relieved. As the Spokesperson, for a missing mother, I know from experience how frustrating it is to get media attention. I know what it’s like to spend endless hours making phone calls to the press, emailing newspapers, radio stations and news channels, contacting anyone having the ability to publish a story. All in vain. I’ve come to the sad conclusion that media (especially locally) suffer from Missing White Woman Syndrome. There is a clear bias. Media attention has everything to do with the right race, age, social class and gender. Otherwise, don’t expect them to cover your story. Notice that most women who get plastered all over the news are usually attractive, white, and middle to upper-class. Things would have turned out very differently if Lilly had white skin and came from a wealthy family. The Miami Herald doesn’t care about a Hispanic woman who lived in Kendall and went missing.

UPDATE 12/20/08 and WARNING
Since this post, I’ve learned that Susan Murphy-Milano is not to be trusted. For more info on my experience with Susan, please see my Sincerest Apology to Christen You see, I was lied to by Susan. She told me she had evidence (GPS and credit card records) which proved Christen Pacheco (Lilly’s fiance) was responsible for her murder. All lies…

*Please be very careful if you’re thinking of going to Justice Interrupted for help.*